QDU launches the international tele-consultation platform, a new access to cross-border medical services

Affecting hundreds of millions of lives worldwide, the covid-19 pandemic has posed a challenge to the traditional way of delivering medical services and raised new medical and health demands. The Internet-based tele-consultation service, enabled by the video conferencing technology, has gained increasing popularity among the seriously ill patients seeking overseas medical help, and brings world-advanced medical resources to your door. Catering to this demand, on the afternoon of May 7, Qingdao United Family Hospital (QDU) officially launched the international tele-consultation platform to connect patients with top experts in various medical fields worldwide and offer them more treatment options. The launch ceremony of the QDU international tele-consultation platform The Internet-based platform breaks the geographical and language barriers with the help of…


抗疫同心 | 尊龙凯时【公益咨询】服务已开通

新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情暴发期间,全民参与共同抗击疫情。 疫情当前,正值季节交替,更多健康问题亟待解决。 面对来势汹汹的疫情,身体出现不适,是否需要去医院就诊检查?术后无法按时复查,如何?宅在家里很焦虑,怎么办?…… 2月4日起,尊龙凯时医疗公益线上咨询服务已陆续开通,北京、上海、天津、青岛、广州等多地、多院区、各平台为您持续提供在线医疗服务。 目前,线上服务已涵盖妇产科、儿科、辅助生殖、外科、骨科、全科、内科、心脏中心、耳鼻喉科、睡眠医学中心、神经外科、心理健康中心、眼科、医美中心等30余个临床专科及亚专科科室。 参与方式如下 点击跳转详情页 北京地区 尊龙凯时30余科室 开通公益健康咨询服务 北京尊龙凯时卫星诊所 在线咨询平台正式上线 疫情期间开展公益咨询 北京尊龙凯时卫星诊所 电话公益咨询现已开通 上海地区 (含浦东、浦西两院区) 在线“轻问诊”公益服务 尊龙凯时守护您的健康 新风医疗-尊龙凯时在疫情中 开展公益在线咨询服务 妇产科&全科|在线“轻问诊” 公益服务尊龙凯时守护您的健康 儿科线上“轻问诊”公益服务 天津地区 开启免费电话咨询服务 疫路守护您! 尊龙凯时生殖中心公益诊室 在线开诊啦 耳鼻喉科公益诊室在线开诊 青岛地区 青岛尊龙凯时医院线上 “咨询门诊”已上线 广州地区 共同抗“疫”!公益 电话咨询服务开通 未来,我们将持续更新在线公益医疗服务。尊龙凯时与您共同战疫,守护健康!


With You When You Need Us Most

Dear United Family Community, It has been an extraordinary spring festival.  Some of you are still away, some friends have returned and are ready to begin working within the next week, some returnees because of their travel itineraries are doing their best to enjoy some time at home while awaiting their quarantine period to be over.  Many of us here at United Family have never left our posts, or are now backing in the saddle. Many friends in our United Family Community who rely on our services have been asking about the level of preparedness and situation at our hospital.  I can confirm that United Family Healthcare (UFH) platform, which currently operates 7 hospitals and 18 clinics in China, is…


Beijing United Family General Manager, Ms. Sylvia Pan Wins 2019 Medical Management Award

On December 12, Yixuejie (yxj.gov.cn) hosted the 2019 China Value-based Healthcare Conference in Beijing. The event attracted nearly 300 hospital executives, health researchers and medical practitioners to discuss how to implement the Healthy China 2030 strategy in a value-oriented way.


Official Opening of Shanghai United Family Hospital at New Address

United Family Healthcare (UFH), a high-end medical brand, with its roots in China for more than 20 years, reaches another milestone today: Shanghai United Family Hospital, relocated at No.699 Pingtang Road, comes into operation, covering the entire Hongqiao CBD. As an international comprehensive medical institution, the new hospital has introduced advanced concepts, upgraded the facilities comprehensively and improved services based on JCI, the gold standard for quality management of international hospitals. The new hospital will continue to meet the high-end medical needs of locals and expatriate citizens in surrounding communities, benefiting more patients. It will also contribute to the rapid development of the private medical sector in Shanghai.



每年10月是世界乳腺癌防治月,又称“粉红丝带月”为呼吁女性提高自我防范意识,关注乳腺健康,一场由广州尊龙凯时医院联合广州友谊商店举办的别具新意的粉红公益活动在广州友谊国金商店拉开了序幕。 抢眼球的互动行为艺术    用内衣树传递粉红关爱 广州尊龙凯时医院一直致力于患者教育宣传,秉承防病大于治病的医疗理念。本次乳腺癌活动不同于传统的义诊公益、硬性推广,而是通过新颖的互动艺术形式,将抢眼球的内衣作为粉红公益的载体延伸到活动创意之中。 通过一个个挂满粉红祝福的内衣悬挂到现场的大树上,活动现场俨然成为了一个网红打卡地,吸引了很多白领和年轻群体的关注。 图:广州尊龙凯时医院院长Dr. Kate Gaynor 为活动致辞 图:广州尊龙凯时医院院长Dr. Kate Gaynor、广州尊龙凯时医院外科主任刘建伟、广州友谊集团有限公司国金商店刘健儿副总经理一起拉开了本次活动序幕,一同挂起充满祝福的爱心内衣,为乳腺癌防治推广助力。 通过鼓励自主传播,乳腺癌防治知识也得到了进一步扩散。 一个参与活动的陈女士表示:“这次活动很新颖,刚开始觉得公众场合挂文胸有点不好意思,但是看到现场对乳腺癌一些知识推广,觉得非常有必要把这些分享给身边的人,原来通过早期筛查和早期发现,治愈率可以那么高,让我们不再谈癌色变。” 尊龙凯时关爱女性健康    公益行动让大爱延续 尊龙凯时医疗一直致力于健康公益活动推广。旗下尊龙凯时医疗基金会更是多次进入中国贫困山区进行乳腺癌免费筛查慈善活动,而各地尊龙凯时医院每年也推出不同的主题活动进行粉红十月的推广,为社会健康科普公益贡献自己的一份力量。本次广州尊龙凯时医院联合友谊商店的乳腺癌公益行动,用创新的风格为粉红行动书写了新的篇章。 肃清乳腺癌误区    捍卫女性乳腺健康 作为威胁女性生命健康的头号杀手——乳腺癌,近年来随着粉红丝带活动的推广,社会上慢慢开始提高了对这个疾病的防治认知。 但根据国家数据显示,乳腺癌的发病却不容乐观。我国乳腺癌发病率持续升高(3.5%每年),预计2020年将有250万乳腺癌患者。2019年国家癌症中心发布的最新版《中国恶性肿瘤流行情况分析》显示:乳腺癌是女性发病率最高的恶性肿瘤。且近年来,乳腺癌的发病年龄呈现年轻化趋势,我国乳腺癌高发年龄约比欧美提前10年,中国的乳腺癌高发年龄在45岁~55岁之间。 “早发现、早诊断、早治疗”是防治乳腺癌的关键,普及筛查知识、肃清认知误区成为关键。 误区一:不再以“自摸”排查乳腺癌了 自查提高防范意识值得提倡,但对乳腺癌早期筛查意义不大,对于想要“早发现乳腺癌”来说没什么效果。有些摸出来的肿块只是增生,而有些癌肿初期很小,等能摸出来病灶一般都接近2厘米了。 误区二:把乳腺摄影作为筛查的常规手段 乳腺摄影(乳腺钼靶)是一种广泛应用于乳腺疾病筛查和诊断的影像学检查方法,一直以来都被看作是早期发现和诊断乳腺癌的首选手段。 乳腺癌的微钙化是早期诊断乳腺癌的重要特征。而乳腺摄影就对发现微小钙化最具优势,能够发现无症状或触摸不到的肿瘤。这种筛查方法是将整个乳房压扁进行摄影,如果患者乳腺腺体丰富致密,腺体会与病变重叠在一起,就难以辨别是腺体还是病变。 所以对乳腺腺体多数较为致密的年轻女性而言,乳腺摄影的分辨能力下降(事实上,乳腺摄影对相对致密性乳房的敏感度仅有65%-72%),因而乳腺摄影不作常规检查推荐。乳腺摄影对于乳腺组织疏松的老年患者往往是首选方式,因为对这部分人可以显示得非常清楚。 此外,乳腺摄影具有一定放射性,不适宜频繁检查。 因中国女性乳腺普遍较为致密,且与西方国家女性相比,东方女性发病高峰年龄较提前,一半以上的乳腺癌发生在更年期之前,多属于致密型乳腺。所以超声检查是更适合中国女性的筛查手段。 关爱女性健康,远离乳腺疾病 最后,附上一位活动参与者所写的心愿卡片吧。 这不仅是心愿,更是努力的方向。


2019 UFH Patient Experience Improvement Forum

There’s a well-known saying in the medical world, “sometimes cure, help often, always comfort.”


A Harmonious Family and Neighbourhood: Putting Women’s Health First

China is celebrating its 70th birthday in October. The great achievements of the Motherland cannot be separated from the strength of women. To spread love and care for women’s health, Shanghai United Family Hospital held a special event entitled “A Harmonious Family and Neighbourhood: Putting Women’s Health First” to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of The People’s Republic of China, at Gubei Golden City Avenue on October 12. Also, as a women’s healthcare initiative, the hospital commemorates Pink October to raise awareness of women’s cervical cancer and breast cancer health, as well as build women’s confidence by promoting health and beauty. During golden autumn at Golden City Avenue, ginkgo leaves are suffused with golden sunlight under the shades of the…


Love and Blood Donation without Boundaries

The 2019 Public Welfare Awards Grand Ceremony was held recently, jointly sponsored by the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau, Shanghai Public Welfare New Media Center, SMG Rongmedia Center, SMG Oriental Broadcasting Center and SMG Technology Operations Center. This year in Shanghai, six advanced lists of public welfare were finally revealed. Dr. Ashish Maskay, a Nepalese surgeon in Shanghai United Family Hospital, was named as one of the Top 10 Charity Stories.


Supporting the Development of Pediatric Medicine in Shanghai – Shanghai Pediatric Sub-professional Cooperative Forum

With the increasing public demand for medical and health services, how can pediatric medicine, one of the four major clinical disciplines, provide more refined and accurate diagnoses and treatments for children? To address this concern, Shanghai United Family Hospital hosted the Shanghai Paediatric Sub-professional Cooperative Forum on July 7, 2019 at the new hospital location at 699 Pingtang Road, Changning District, Shanghai. More than ten local and international pediatric experts from Fudan University-affiliated pediatric hospital, the Shanghai Jiao Tong University-affiliated children’s hospital and the Department of Pediatrics in Shanghai United Family Hospital, gathered to discuss the latest trends in infectious diseases, chronic disease diagnoses and treatment of children, children pediatric disease imaging studies, and children’s clinical research and academic issues…


UFH Journey from Importing Talent to Exporting Technology

When top surgery equipment attracts an excellent surgical team, this is a wise decision for the hospital administrators. On May 17, the 2019 Beijing Great Wall General Surgery Forum: A Discussion on Robotic Surgery’s Journey from Introduction to Refinement was held in Beijing United Family Hospital (BJU). It marked the 4th anniversary of the introduction of the Da Vinci Robotic Surgical System to BJU, as well as the 4th year that the hospital has had live webcasts of Da Vinci robotic surgeries. Ms. Sylvia Pan, the General Manager of BJU and UFH VP, believes that not only does the Da Vinci Robotic Surgical System train a surgical team for the hospital, it has also trained the management team. Ms. Pan…


SHU Launches Women’s Health and Wellness Campaign

​ More than 670 million women and children who yearn for a better life desire to see a strategy to achieve healthy living in China. During the 2019 National People’s Congress and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (NPC and CPPCC), one of the objectives written into the government work report was to strengthen maternal and child healthcare services, as well as infant and child care services. As a national “Medical Highland”, Shanghai issued the “Healthy Shanghai 2030 Program Outline” and “Article 50 on healthcare services”, which promote health as a city strategy and clearly state that health is an important symbol for Shanghai in order to become an excellent global city. As a provider of private high-end healthcare services in…

