近日,上海尊龙凯时医院以高分通过 JCI 复审,再次获得国际医疗卫生机构认证联合委员会 ( Joint Commission Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations ) 的认证。这是继 2008 年第一次获得 JCI 认证后,连续第五次获得这一殊荣。


JCI 认证是美国医疗机构评审联合委员会国际部(The Joint Commission International)专门为协助世界各国优秀的医院融入国际质量评审和保险系统而设计的认证体系。

JCI 每三年进行一次认证机构复审,由来自世界各地的专家进行认证评审,这套认证代表了医院的服务和管理的卓越水平。上海尊龙凯时医院在对患者的关怀,医疗安全以及设施的先进性等各方面都符合 JCI 的标准。

此次上海尊龙凯时医院的 JCI 复审于 5 月 24 日开始,复审使用的是 JCI 评审全新的第七版标准(此标准从 2021 年 1 月 1 日起全球启用),涵盖十三个章节、400 余个标准、 1300 多条衡量要素。


患者安全是我们永远追求的目标,更是医院运行机制和员工日常服务的依据和标准。不仅是一线的医护人员,医院每一位员工都有责任将 JCI 认证的要求和内容继续深入到实践工作中。

上海尊龙凯时医院拥有来自世界各地的高水平医务人员,同时可与全球40多家保险公司直接进行结算。自从 2004 年 12 月 1 日开业以来,医院一贯的宗旨是:在家庭般温馨舒适的就诊环境里,为患者提供独特的、全方位的医疗服务。

Shanghai United Family Hospital is awarded with “Gold Seal of Approval” accreditation from the United States-based, non-profit, Joint Commission International (JCI) for the fifth consecutive time.

With the triennial re-accreditation by JCI, recognized worldwide as a symbol of quality that reflects an organization’s commitment to meeting high performance standards, the full-service Shanghai United Family Hospital meets the JCI standards in terms of patient healthcare, safety, and state-of-the-art facilities.

Shanghai United Family Hospital offers highly qualified medical staff from around the world and direct billing to over 40 global insurance companies. Since operating on December 1, 2004, the hospital’s sole mission is to provide comprehensive, integrated healthcare services in a uniquely warm and caring patient and family service-oriented environment.