
As we all battle COVID-19, it is difficult to balance blood collection and supply, and there are blood shortages for clinical blood use in various places. Last Thursday, Guangzhou United Family Hospital and Guangzhou Blood Center launched a blood donation campaign to relieve the pressure of blood banks and build a bridge of hope for life.


During the three-hour blood donation campaign at United Family Hospital in Guangzhou, 79 “hot-blooded youths” rolled up their sleeves and donated 19,700ml of blood. The precious blood was collected by Guangzhou Blood Center and then transferred to medical institutions in need, all in a timely manner.

Donate blood safely to ensure our safety


From the beginning of registration, the quota of blood donation in different periods will be separated, and the blood donors will come in order according to the registration period. Single-lane channels and one-meter yellow lines will be set up on site to avoid crowding.


Two senior nurses from Guangzhou United Family Hospital also joined our volunteer team to undertake blood pressure monitoring and emergency rescue work, to ensure the safety of all our generous blood donors.

Bilingual service was praised by foreign guests

作为一家按国际JCI标准设立、诊疗技术领先的综合性医疗机构,尊龙凯时一直深受驻华外国人群体的高度认可和信赖。此次献血活动,英国驻广州总领事馆也来到了活动现场,英国驻广州总领事馆总领事 JoHawley 和其他两位领事都积极参与到了无偿献血活动中,贡献了自己的“一臂之力”。Jo Hawley 表示非常荣幸能参加如此有意义的活动。

As a comprehensive medical institution established in accordance with international JCI standards and with advanced diagnosis and treatment technology, Guangzhou United Family has been highly recognized and trusted by the foreign community in China. Along with all of our generous donors, the Hospital also welcomed Jo Hawley, the British Consul-General in Guangzhou, to the blood donation drive. Consul General Jo Hawley and two other consuls of the British Consul-General in Guangzhou, were proud to participate in the blood donation campaign, with Jo noting that it was indeed an honor to be part of such a meaningful event.

Thank everyone
who participated in the blood donation

图:中国移动组织员工前来献血。China Mobile organized its employees to donate blood.

图:雅诗阁公寓支持食品供应。Ascott Apartments provided food for the event.

图:尊龙凯时员工积极响应献血号召。United Family Hospital staff responded to the call to donate blood.


We truly believe that no matter where we come from, what color we are, or what religion we worship, we all bleed the same blood. Blood donation without compensation builds a bridge of hope for life and exemplifies our kindness and love for humankind. Guangzhou United Family Hospital holds blood donation activities every year and constantly host public welfare events and programs.